by | Jul 18, 2024

How Long Does It Take to Install Irrigation System? Top Guide


Understanding the Time to Install an Irrigation System

When considering an irrigation system for your property, the first question on your mind is likely, “How long does it take to install an irrigation system?” To get straight to the point:

  • Initial Site Visit: 1 week after your call
  • Design Proposal: 7 days after site visit
  • Installation: 2-4 weeks post-proposal acceptance
  • Installation Duration: 3.5 to 4.5 days for a typical system

An irrigation system is not a one-size-fits-all project. It requires careful planning, custom design, and professional installation. This ensures your landscape gets consistent watering, saving you time and hassle. Plus, it boosts your property’s value and curb appeal.

I’m Scott McLeod, owner of McLeod Landscaping. With over 30 years in the landscaping industry, I can assure you that understanding the time frame for installing an irrigation system helps in better planning your landscape needs. Let’s explore what influences this timeline and helps in a seamless installation process.

Timeline for Irrigation System Installation: Initial Site Visit: 1 week, Design Proposal: 7 days, Installation: 2-4 weeks, Duration: 3.5-4.5 days - how long does it take to install irrigation system infographic step-infographic-4-steps

Factors Influencing Installation Time

When planning for an irrigation system, knowing what affects the installation time is crucial. Let’s break down the key factors:

Yard Size

The size of your yard is a primary factor. Larger yards naturally take more time due to the increased amount of trenching and pipe laying required.

  • Small yards: Typically quicker, often completed in a day or two.
  • Medium to large yards: Expect the process to take several days, usually around 3.5 to 4.5 days for an 8–12 zone system.

Existing Landscape

The current state of your landscape also plays a significant role.

  • New landscapes: Easier to work with as they lack mature plants and established lawns. Less hand digging is required.
  • Established landscapes: More challenging due to the need to avoid damaging existing plants and utilities. This often involves more hand digging and careful planning.

Utility Lines

Utility lines are a hidden factor but one of the most important.

  • Primary utilities: Gas, electric, cable, and telephone lines must be avoided. We use the One-Call system to mark these.
  • Additional utilities: Homeowners often have extra lines like underground dog fences or auxiliary gas lines. Knowing their locations can save time and prevent damage.

Pro Tip: Contact the installers of any additional utility lines to mark their locations before our crew arrives.

Weather Conditions

Weather can significantly impact the installation timeline.

  • Ideal conditions: Dry and mild weather allows for uninterrupted work.
  • Adverse conditions: Rain and extreme temperatures can delay the process. Wet soil is harder to trench, and frozen ground is impossible to work with.

weather conditions affecting irrigation system installation - how long does it take to install irrigation system

Understanding these factors helps in better planning and ensures a smooth installation process. Next, we’ll dive into the step-by-step installation process to give you a clearer picture of what to expect.

Step-by-Step Installation Process

Installing an irrigation system involves several key steps. Each step is crucial for a successful and efficient setup. Let’s break down the process:

Site Visit

The first step is an on-site visit. We schedule this visit about a week after your initial call. During this visit, our estimator measures your property and discusses your irrigation needs, budget, and landscaping goals. This visit typically takes about an hour.

Design Proposal

Within seven days of the site visit, you will receive a detailed irrigation design proposal. To avoid budget surprises, we use computer modeling to create an accurate layout and cost estimate. This ensures you know exactly what to expect.

Trench Digging

Once the proposal is accepted, we schedule the installation, which typically occurs within 2-4 weeks. The first step in the actual installation is trench digging. Trenches are dug 12 inches below grade for the main irrigation line and 8-10 inches for lateral lines. This depth protects the pipes from damage by lawn mowers and aerators.

Pipe Laying

Next, we lay the piping and wires. There are two main types of piping used:

  • PVC piping: More rigid and allows for higher flow rates.
  • Polyurethane piping: More flexible, ideal for curved trenches, but has a lower flow rate.

The type of soil and common digging practices in your region influence how trenches are dug—either manually or with a vibratory plow.

System Connection

After laying the pipes, we connect the irrigation system to your home’s water supply. In colder climates, this connection is typically made in the basement, while in warmer climates, it’s done in the yard. A backflow preventer is also installed to ensure the safety of your water supply.


Finally, we conduct a thorough testing phase. Our team checks each zone to ensure proper water coverage and no overspray. We also listen to the backflow preventer to detect any leaks. If any issues are found, they are addressed immediately.

This step-by-step process ensures that your irrigation system is installed efficiently and correctly, providing you with a hassle-free watering solution.

Next, we will discuss how long it typically takes to install an irrigation system.

How Long Does It Take to Install an Irrigation System?

The time it takes to install an irrigation system can vary based on several factors, but here are some general timelines you can expect:

One Day Installations

For smaller, simpler systems, installation can often be completed in one day. This is typically the case for:

  • Small residential yards
  • Basic systems with fewer zones
  • Ideal soil conditions

However, a one-day installation is more likely if you schedule during less busy times of the year.

Average Installations: 3.5 to 4.5 Days

For a typical 8–12 zone residential system, you should expect the installation to take about 3.5 to 4.5 days. This includes:

  • Trenching and laying pipes
  • Connecting the system to your water supply
  • Testing each zone

Existing landscapes might take longer due to the need for careful digging to avoid utility lines and mature tree roots. Repairing existing turf after trenching can also add to the timeline.

Seasonal Variations

The time of year can significantly impact how long it takes to install an irrigation system. Here’s why:

  • Early Spring to Midsummer: These are the busiest months. Expect a waiting period of about four weeks before installation can begin.
  • Late Summer to Fall: Less busy, so the waiting period is usually around two weeks.
  • Winter: Installations can still happen if the ground isn’t frozen, but material costs for PVC pipes may be higher due to fluctuations in the price of natural gas.

In summary, the installation timeline can range from one day for simple systems to 3.5 to 4.5 days for more typical setups. Seasonal demand can add a few weeks to the wait time, especially during peak seasons.

Next, let’s explore the best time of year for installing your irrigation system.

Best Time of Year for Installation

Fall Benefits

Fall is often the ideal time for installing an irrigation system. Cooler temperatures and reduced plant growth make it easier to lay pipes and install the system without disturbing your landscape too much. Plus, your new system will be ready to go when spring arrives.

Temperature Considerations

It’s crucial to avoid installation when the ground is frozen. Frozen ground makes digging trenches nearly impossible and can damage equipment. Typically, installations are best done when night temperatures consistently stay above freezing. This usually means spring through fall, but avoid the peak of summer if possible to reduce stress on your plants and soil.

Material Costs

Many people think that off-season installations will be cheaper, but that’s not always the case. The price of PVC pipes can rise significantly in winter due to fluctuations in natural gas prices. Therefore, fall and spring might offer the best balance of moderate temperatures and stable material costs.

To summarize, while irrigation systems can be installed nearly any time the ground isn’t frozen, fall offers several advantages in terms of ease of installation and preparation for the growing season.

DIY vs. Professional Installation

When deciding whether to install an irrigation system yourself or hire a professional, there are several factors to consider, including time commitment, skill level, and tools required.

Time Commitment

DIY Installation: For a small to medium-sized garden, an experienced DIYer can usually complete the installation within 4-8 hours. For first-timers, it might take 1-2 days. Larger or more complex systems can take several days.

Professional Installation: Most professional crews can complete standard installations in a day. For larger or more complex projects, it might take 3.5 to 4.5 days. Professionals often have a team and specialized equipment to speed up the process.

Skill Level

DIY Installation: Installing an irrigation system requires some basic plumbing and landscaping skills. You’ll need to plan the layout, dig trenches, and connect pipes and emitters. If you’re a novice, expect a learning curve. Resources like Irrigation Tutorials can be very helpful.

Professional Installation: Professionals have the experience and expertise to handle any complications that arise. They are familiar with local regulations and best practices, ensuring a high-quality installation.

Tools Required

DIY Installation: You’ll need a variety of tools, including shovels, trenchers, PVC cutters, and possibly a vibratory plow. The type of soil and size of your project will determine the exact tools needed. For instance, rocky or clay-heavy soil can make trenching more difficult.

Professional Installation: Professionals come equipped with high-grade tools and machinery, ensuring efficient and precise work. This includes specialized trenchers, compactors, and backflow preventers.

K-Rain Products

For those considering a DIY approach, K-Rain products are a reliable option. Available at major retailers like Lowe’s and The Home Depot, these products are designed for ease of use and durability. K-Rain also offers a contractor referral program for those who prefer professional installation.

In summary, while DIY installation can be fulfilling and cost-effective, it requires a significant time investment and a certain skill level. Professional installation offers speed, expertise, and peace of mind, making it a better choice for larger or more complex projects.

Preparing for Your Irrigation System Installation

Before the magic of a new irrigation system can happen, a bit of preparation is necessary. Here’s what you need to know:

Utility Marking

First things first: safety. A utility-marking service will visit your property to mark public utility lines. This step is crucial to prevent damage and ensure safety during the installation. Imagine the chaos of hitting a gas line or cutting through your internet cable. Not fun.

Tip: Contact the installers of any extra utility lines in advance to mark their locations. This helps avoid any surprises.

Property Access

For a smooth installation, make sure the installation crew has easy access to your property. Clear any obstacles that might get in the way, like garden furniture, toys, or vehicles.

Why it matters: Easy access speeds up the process and minimizes disruptions to your daily routine.

Water Shut-Off Coordination

Your water will need to be shut off for about 30 minutes to an hour during the installation. This will be coordinated with you at a convenient time.

Pro Tip: Have a glass of water handy before the shut-off. It’s always when you can’t get water that you suddenly feel parched!

By taking these simple steps, you can ensure a smooth and efficient installation process.

Next, we’ll dive into the maintenance and care post-installation to keep your new system running perfectly.

Maintenance and Care Post-Installation

Once your irrigation system is installed, keep it in top shape. Regular maintenance ensures your lawn stays lush and green, and your system runs efficiently. Here’s what you need to know:

Regular Inspections

In Central Florida, irrigation systems work hard. Regular inspections are crucial to spot potential problems before they become severe.

What to Expect:
Quarterly checks: Technicians will run each zone for a couple of minutes to ensure everything is working well.
Controller adjustments: They’ll check run times and update the schedule for the season. This keeps your lawn from being over or under-watered.
Problem detection: From cracked lines and leaky valves to clogged nozzles and broken spray heads, technicians will find and fix these issues early.

Example: A small crack in a pipe can lead to significant water loss and higher bills. Regular inspections can catch this before it turns into a costly repair.

Seasonal Adjustments

Different seasons require different watering schedules.

Spring and Summer:
Increased watering: Hotter temperatures mean your lawn needs more water.
System check: Ensure all sprinkler heads are functioning correctly after winter.

Reduced watering: Cooler temperatures and increased rainfall mean you can cut back on watering.
Winter prep: Preparing your system for winter can prevent damage from freezing temperatures.

Tip: Adjust your controller settings each season to match the weather conditions. This saves water and keeps your lawn healthy.

Repair Services

Even with regular maintenance, things can go wrong. Knowing when and how to get repairs is essential.

Common Issues:
Broken sprinkler heads: These can cause uneven watering and dry spots on your lawn.
Leaky valves: These waste water and can increase your water bill.
Clogged nozzles: These reduce the efficiency of your system.

Case Study: One homeowner noticed a persistently dry patch on their lawn. A quick inspection revealed a clogged nozzle. A simple repair restored even watering across the entire lawn.

When to Call a Professional:
– If you notice any of the issues above.
– If your system isn’t operating as efficiently as it used to.
– For seasonal adjustments and regular inspections.

By staying on top of maintenance and addressing issues early, you can extend the life of your irrigation system and keep your lawn looking its best.

Next, we’ll explore the best time of year for installing an irrigation system and how it can save you money and effort.


Planning ahead for your irrigation system installation is crucial. With the right timing and preparation, you can have an efficient system that saves you time, water, and money.

Why Choose McLeod Landscaping?

At McLeod Landscaping, we pride ourselves on delivering top-notch irrigation system services. Our process is designed to be smooth and efficient, ensuring your landscape gets the care it deserves.

Benefits of Planning Ahead:

  • Avoid Seasonal Delays: Early spring through midsummer are busy times for irrigation installations. Scheduling your project in advance helps you avoid long wait times.
  • Cost Efficiency: Material costs can fluctuate, especially in winter. Planning ahead can help you lock in better prices.
  • Event Preparation: Knowing your installation timeline allows you to plan other landscaping projects or events without disruption.

Our Commitment:

We are dedicated to providing high-quality, efficient, and reliable irrigation solutions. From the initial site visit to the final walk-through, we ensure every detail is handled with care.

Ready to transform your landscape with an efficient irrigation system? Contact us today to get started!

Get in Touch with McLeod Landscaping

By choosing McLeod Landscaping, you’re not just getting an irrigation system; you’re investing in the long-term health and beauty of your landscape. Plan ahead, and let us help you achieve the lush, vibrant lawn you’ve always wanted.


Understanding the Installation Time for an Irrigation System

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