by | Aug 14, 2024

How to Build Brick Stairs Outside: Top 10 Easy Steps 2024


Mastering Brick Stair Construction: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re looking for a quick answer on how to build brick stairs outside, follow these basic steps:
1. Plan Your Layout:
– Measure the area.
– Design your stair layout with dimensions.
2. Prepare the Foundation:
– Excavate and lay a sub-base.
– Compact the soil and add a concrete layer.
3. Choose Materials:
– Use durable bricks and high-quality mortar.
4. Construct the Steps:
– Set up forms and lay bricks.
– Ensure mortar is evenly applied and steps are level.
5. Finish:
– Fill and smooth joints.
– Allow mortar to cure before use.

Building brick stairs outside not only improves the aesthetics of your property but also adds functional access points. Whether you’re leading to a garden, a patio, or an entrance, well-constructed brick stairs can stand the test of time and weather.

I’m Scott McLeod, owner of McLeod Landscaping with over 30 years of experience in the industry. Our team has mastered the art of designing and building durable, beautiful brick stairs that meet your needs and preferences. Follow along to learn how to transform your outdoor space with brick stairs.

Step-by-step guide to build brick stairs outside - how to build brick stairs outside infographic infographic-line-5-steps

How to build brick stairs outside word roundup:
concrete stairs and walkways
industrial walkways and stairs
stairs and walkways safety

Planning Your Brick Stairs

Design, Measurements, Location

When planning how to build brick stairs outside, a well-thought-out design is essential. The design should not only complement your home’s architecture but also meet functional requirements.


Start by visualizing the final look of your brick stairs. Consider the style you want to achieve. Do you prefer a classic, rustic look or a more modern design? The design will influence the type of bricks and patterns you choose. For example, a rowlock pattern is a popular choice for its durability and aesthetic appeal.


Accurate measurements are crucial for a successful project. Begin by measuring the height from the ground to the door sill. This will determine the total rise of your stairs.

Next, decide on the rise (height of each step) and run (depth of each step). A common rise is 6-7 inches, and a typical run is about 10-12 inches.

Tip: Always ensure the top step’s surface is lower than the door sill to prevent tripping hazards.


Choose a location that provides easy access and improves the visual appeal of your property. Ensure the ground is stable and can support the weight of the stairs.

Case Study: A homeowner in North Carolina transformed their backyard by adding brick stairs leading up to a new porch. The stairs not only provided functional access but also created a focal point for the outdoor space, making it a favorite spot for family gatherings.

Practical Tips

  • Slope Considerations: Ensure the location is level or has a slight slope away from the house to prevent water pooling.
  • Accessibility: If the stairs are for frequent use, ensure they are wide enough (at least 3 feet) for comfortable passage.
  • Safety: Plan for handrails if the stairs are more than a few steps high.

By carefully planning the design, measurements, and location of your brick stairs, you set a strong foundation for the rest of the project. This preparation ensures your stairs will be both beautiful and functional.

Brick stairs design sketch - how to build brick stairs outside

Next, we will dig into the crucial step of preparing the foundation for your brick stairs.

Preparing the Foundation

Proper foundation preparation is critical for the stability and longevity of your brick stairs. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure a solid base:


First, mark the area where your stairs will be built. Use stakes and string to outline the perimeter.

Excavate the marked area to a depth of at least 10 cm (about 4 inches). This depth is necessary to accommodate the sub-base and provide a stable foundation. Remove all grass, roots, and debris to ensure a clean work area.


Once the excavation is complete, it’s time to lay the sub-base. A sub-base provides a solid layer that supports the weight of the stairs and prevents settling.

MOT Type 1 is a popular choice for sub-base material. It’s a mixture of crushed rock and fines that compacts well to form a stable base.

Tip: You can find MOT Type 1 at most building supply stores. A homeowner mentioned using 1 to 5 bags depending on the size of your project.


After spreading the MOT Type 1 sub-base evenly across the excavated area, compact it thoroughly. Compacting the sub-base prevents future shifting and settling.

You can use a tamp, tamper, or rammer for this task. A flat heavy weight, like a sleeper offcut with a broom handle fitted, can also work if you don’t have specialized tools.

Compact it multiple times! This step cannot be overstated. Proper compaction ensures a firm foundation for your stairs.

Concrete Layer

For added stability, you have two options:

  1. Concrete Layer: Lay a 50mm (about 2 inches) layer of concrete on top of the compacted sub-base. This will create an even and sturdy surface for your bricks.
  2. Concrete Flags: Alternatively, you can use concrete flags set on mortar. This method also provides a robust foundation for the bricks.

Tip: Perform a dry run with your bricks at this point. Lay them out without mortar to check levels, spacing, and end details. This step helps you visualize the final product and make adjustments before permanently setting the bricks.

Shuttering for Concreting

If you choose the concrete layer option, you may need to create temporary supports, known as shuttering, to hold the concrete in place until it sets.

Shuttering is typically made from scrap sheet wood and is essential for forming the shape of the top step. Once the concrete has cured, you can remove the shuttering.

By following these steps, you ensure a strong and durable foundation for your brick stairs. Proper preparation at this stage will save you time and effort in the long run and contribute to the overall success of your project.

Next, we’ll move on to choosing the right materials for your brick stairs.

Choosing Your Materials

Choosing the right materials is crucial for building durable and attractive brick stairs. Here’s what you’ll need:


Bricks are the heart of your stairs. They come in various types, but for outdoor stairs, clay bricks are a popular choice due to their durability and resistance to weather conditions. When selecting bricks, consider:

  • Size and Shape: Standard bricks (2 1/4″ x 3 3/4″ x 8″) are commonly used, but you can choose different sizes based on your design.
  • Color and Texture: Choose bricks that complement your home’s exterior. Bricks come in a variety of colors and textures, from smooth to rough finishes.
  • Whole Bricks: Using whole bricks can save you cutting time and ensure a cleaner look.

Tip: Lay out the bricks in a dry run to ensure they fit your design and space correctly.

Type M Mortar

Mortar is the adhesive that binds your bricks together. Type M mortar is ideal for brick stairs due to its high strength and durability. It’s made from a mix of Portland cement, lime, and sand.

  • Strength: Type M mortar has a compressive strength of 2500 psi, making it suitable for load-bearing structures.
  • Mix Ratio: The standard mix is 1 part Portland cement, 1/4 part lime, and 3 parts sand.

Tip: Ensure the mortar is mixed thoroughly to achieve the right consistency and strength.

Portland Cement

Portland cement is a key ingredient in your mortar mix. It provides the necessary binding properties to ensure your stairs are strong and durable.

  • Quality: Use high-quality Portland cement to prevent cracks and ensure longevity.
  • Mixing: Follow the recommended mix ratios for your mortar to achieve the best results.

Tip: Always mix mortar in small batches to keep it fresh and workable.

Geotextile Fabric

Geotextile fabric is used to separate the soil from the sub-base, preventing the mixing of materials and ensuring proper drainage.

  • Function: It helps stabilize the soil, prevent erosion, and improve the longevity of your stairs.
  • Installation: Lay the fabric over the excavated area before adding the sub-base material.

Tip: Make sure the fabric covers the entire area and overlaps at the edges to provide complete coverage.

By carefully selecting and using these materials, you’ll build strong and lasting brick stairs. Next, we’ll dive into the step-by-step construction process to bring your project to life.

Step-by-Step Construction Process

Setting Up Forms

Before laying any bricks, you’ll need to set up forms to guide the shape and structure of your stairs. Forms are typically made from plywood and screws.

  • Plywood: Use sturdy plywood to create the sides and back of your stair forms. This will hold the mortar and bricks in place as they set.
  • Screws: Secure the plywood forms with screws, ensuring they are tightly fastened and level. Double-check measurements to make sure each step’s height and depth are consistent.

Laying the First Brick

The first row of bricks is crucial as it sets the foundation for the entire staircase.

  • Mortar Application: Apply a 3/8-inch thick layer of mortar on the tread, starting from the back of the step. Use a trowel to spread the mortar evenly.
  • Leveling: Place the first brick into the mortar bed and tap it gently with the end of the trowel handle to bed it in. Use a level to ensure the brick is even. Continue laying bricks, using 1/2- or 3/8-inch plywood spacers to maintain consistent spacing.

Building Up the Steps

Once the first row is laid, you can start building up the steps.

  • Layering Mortar: Apply a new layer of mortar on top of the first row of bricks. Be consistent with the thickness to ensure uniformity.
  • Brick Placement: Continue placing bricks row by row, tapping them into the mortar and checking for level. Remove the spacers as you go.
  • Patterns: Mortared brick lends itself to various patterns. You can lay bricks in a running bond, herringbone, or other patterns to add visual interest. Tip: Do a dry run of your pattern before applying mortar to ensure everything fits correctly.

Finishing Touches

Once all the bricks are laid, it’s time to finish the joints and smooth the surface.

  • Joint Filling: After the mortar has set, mix a fresh batch of mortar for the joints. Use a mortar bag to squeeze the mortar into the joints, filling them completely.
  • Smoothing: When the mortar begins to firm up, use a jointing tool to smooth the horizontal joints first, followed by the vertical joints. This ensures rainwater flows off the front face of the steps.
  • Curing: Let the mortar cure for five to seven days before using the steps. During this time, keep the mortar moist by lightly misting it with water to prevent cracking.

By following these steps, you’ll create sturdy and visually appealing brick stairs that improve your outdoor space. Up next, we’ll discuss how to maintain and care for your new brick stairs to ensure they last for years to come.

Maintenance and Care

Once you’ve built your beautiful brick stairs, it’s crucial to maintain and care for them to ensure they last for years. Here are some essential tips for cleaning, sealing, and weed prevention.


Regular cleaning helps keep your brick stairs looking fresh and prevents grime buildup.

  • High-Pressure Water Cleaning: Use a high-pressure water cleaner to remove dirt, grime, and other deposits. This method is effective for cleaning surfaces like brick, concrete, and stucco. Regular cleaning not only improves appearance but also helps detect potential issues like cracks or loose elements early on.

High-pressure water cleaning is an efficient way to maintain brick stairs. - how to build brick stairs outside infographic simple-emoji-beauty

  • Gutter Maintenance: Ensure gutters and downspouts around your stairs are clear to prevent water from pooling and causing damage.


Sealing your brick stairs provides a protective barrier against the elements.

  • Sealant Application: Apply a high-quality brick sealant to protect against water penetration, which can cause cracks and erosion. It’s best to seal your stairs every few years, depending on the climate and wear.
  • Timing: Make sure the bricks are clean and dry before applying the sealant. Choose a day with mild weather to ensure the sealant dries properly.

Weed Prevention

Weeds growing between bricks can be unsightly and damaging.

  • Geotextile Fabric: If you haven’t already, consider placing geotextile fabric under your brick stairs during construction. This fabric helps prevent weeds from growing up through the bricks.
  • Regular Inspections: Check for weeds regularly and remove them promptly. Use a weed killer specifically designed for brick and stone surfaces to prevent regrowth.
  • Joint Maintenance: Keep the joints filled with mortar or sand to block weed growth. If you notice any gaps, refill them to maintain a solid barrier.

By following these maintenance tips, you’ll keep your brick stairs in top condition, ensuring they remain safe and attractive for years. Regular cleaning, sealing, and weed prevention are simple yet effective ways to prolong the life of your brick stairs.

Next, we’ll dive into frequently asked questions about building brick stairs outside, covering common concerns and costs.

Frequently Asked Questions about Building Brick Stairs Outside

Can you lay brick steps on dirt?

No, you shouldn’t lay brick steps directly on dirt. Doing so can lead to instability and uneven settling, which can cause your steps to crack or shift over time. Instead, you need a solid foundation to ensure durability.

First, excavate at least 10cm of ground. Then, lay down a MOT sub-base (like this one) and compact it thoroughly. A well-compacted sub-base provides a stable foundation for your brick steps.

What do you put under brick steps?

Under brick steps, you need a combination of a sub-base and a concrete layer:

  1. Sub-base: Start with a layer of MOT sub-base. Compact it well using a tamper or a heavy flat object. This layer should be about 10cm thick.
  2. Concrete Layer: On top of the sub-base, add a 50mm layer of concrete. This creates a solid, level surface for laying your bricks.
  3. Mortar Bed: Finally, apply a layer of mortar to set the bricks. This ensures they are securely bonded and level.

How much does it cost to build brick stairs?

The cost of building brick stairs varies based on materials, size, and labor. Here’s a rough breakdown:

  • Materials: Bricks, mortar, concrete, and sub-base materials can cost around $4 to $6 per square foot.
  • Labor: If you’re hiring professionals, labor costs can range from $50 to $100 per hour, depending on your location and the complexity of the project.
  • Total Cost: For a small set of stairs (two steps, about two feet wide), you might spend between $200 and $500 on materials and labor. Larger or more complex projects will naturally cost more.

Investing in quality materials and proper construction techniques will save you money in the long run by reducing maintenance and repair costs.

By addressing these common questions, we hope to make your brick stair project smoother and more successful. If you have more questions or need professional help, don’t hesitate to contact us at McLeod Landscaping.


Building brick stairs outside can be a rewarding DIY project, but it requires careful planning and execution to ensure safety and longevity. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating a beautiful and durable addition to your outdoor space.

At McLeod Landscaping, we specialize in walkway and stair installations that lift the beauty and functionality of your property. Whether you’re looking to undertake a DIY project or need professional assistance, our team is here to help. With years of experience and a commitment to quality craftsmanship, we ensure your project is completed to the highest standards.

Why Choose McLeod Landscaping?

  • Expertise: Our team has experience in masonry and landscaping, ensuring your project is in capable hands.
  • Quality Materials: We use only the best materials to guarantee the durability and aesthetic appeal of your stairs.
  • Customized Solutions: We tailor our services to meet your specific needs and preferences, ensuring a perfect fit for your home.

Ready to transform your outdoor space? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find how we can help you achieve your landscaping dreams.

For more information about our walkway and stair installation services, visit our Walkway Installation Services page. Let’s create something beautiful together!


Building Brick Stairs: A DIY Guide for Homeowners

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